12 PAX kicked the WEAK  off right by finding a 45 min break in the “Early Morning Rain”.
Aflac, Q Tip,  Clark, Genesee, Slappy, Jagger, Malibu,  Pops, Bastille, Sashquatch.   Q Kitt 

FNG Doogie ( still need to add to group me)
The Thang.

Stations of step ups, derkins, dips.

Jump ups, max incline merkins, lbcs. 
Broken up by hill runs , peppered with merkins and somr ab work. 
80 to 100 merkins. ??
Genesee took us out. Remember to keep others in your thoughts, and consider the less fortunate.  Donate time and goods if you can. Prayers for Malibus co worker who is working through cancer. 