Backblast:  S_________ Saturday (re-branding ongoing at Mojos by popular demand- “to cast out the Demon”, “keeping the Demon at Bay”, up for further discussion)

0700 Hours Oct 7, 2017

Bay High School
Pax: @Nick Marple “Bouche” @Jake “Patagonia” Hone, YHQ
The Thang:

1/2 mile run
Suicides escalating from 10 yard line, with 9 burpees at the baseline (90 total)

Seal/duck walk to and from 10

Bear/crab – 20

Lunge walk – 30

Backpedal – 40

Sprint – 50 with 20 merkins in cadence

Side straddle – 60

High knees – 70

Hitlers/striders – 80

Karaoke – 90

Sprint – 100
20 crunchy frogs 30 lbcs prison Merkins Freddie Mercury Nitschkes 
1/2 mile run