Side Straddle hop
Arm circles
2 Laps brick Indian Run
8th Circle – all harder
1. 20 popomatics with hand clap
2. 20 v-up Thor’s
3. 15 Hulks
4. 20 jumping samurai lunges
5. Planktanamo!
6. burpees bear crawl full circle
7. Guantanamo (did ours at 5)
8. Ring of Fire
Run to pull up bars. 10 pull ups/10 chin ups
Card game – 5 rounds. First card – distance sprinting; second card – number and type of exercise (hearts – burpees; diamonds – merkins; clubs – crunches; spades – jumping lunges) – ended up being a lot of sprinting and a lot of burpees
6 Mom core:
Crunchy Frogs
Banana Hammocks
Dancing cockroaches
Michael Phelps
COT: stop worrying – Matthew 6:25-34
Music by AC/DC, Metallica and Kid Rock