11 PAX vanquished the Persian assault this rainy morn: @Bill Green Lantern Fisher – FNG, @Dan Frindt “Bell”, @Dan Palmer O Brien – FNG, @David “Pops” King, @Dean “Kitt” Higgins., @Greg “Lumbergh” Kandra, @Jim “Jagger” Slater, @Karl Bekeny “Que Tip”, @Nate Apples Eaton, @Tim “Slappy” & Patagonia- Q

The Thang: 
SSH, Imperial walkers, Jerkins 20/ea
Lap 1, burpees/sherpas/squats 10/ea

Lap2, repeato 9/ea

L3, repeato 8/ea
Serpentine, 20 dips/10 derkins/20 LBCs
L4, burpees/sherpas/squats 7/ea

L5, repeato 6/ea

L6, r. 5/ea
Serpentine and r. 20/10/20
6MOM (minutes of Mary)

Fred/merc merc/Fred, monkey jumpers, 30/60/90, can’t recall but one more by Kitt

TAPS to PAX recovering from ailments and welcome to new guys. Good work this am, thanks!