A PAX of 7 put on their big boy underpants and modified their Monday morning. Bell, Captain, 8 Ball, Kitt, Patagonia, Skippy, Sasquatch (Q). 
Warm up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Down ups
Set up 6 cones at 5 yard increments. 

Shuffle drill to each and back

Sprint to each and back

Karaoke Drill to each and back

Mountain climbers

Pair up sit ups
Paired up Jump overs

Box jumps

Shamrock Rolls sideways high knees with a skip on a 4 count
Burpee Hops on 11’s (at each cone stop and do progressive burpees and side straddle Hops – first 1 Burpee and 10 SSH, second 2 burpees and 9 SSH until you get to 10 burpees and 1 SSH 

Banana Hammocks

V up thors
Side squat 

Broad jumps and lateral jumps over cones

Prison cell Merkins

Crawling Derkins 

50 LBCs 

Slalom drill (run to each cones, shuffle around it, move to the next)
Superman, phelps
COT: Prayers for McKenzie. Thanks for our challenges.