No Athenians showed this morning. Just Elite Spartan warriors. Needless to say, the enemy was slaughtered. 
Pax: @Dan Frindt “Bell” @Dan Needham “Sprinkler” @Bill Hensel @Dean “Kitt” Higgins. @John “Bard” @Kevin “Sasquatch” Nowak @Louis Buchino, YHQ
The Thang: warmup, then 3 circuits

1st- lap, then Barnyard (20 yds bear crawl, 20 yds duck walk, 10 yds seal, 20 yds frog hop, 20 yds crab, 10 yds earthworm); lap with serpentine, 30 merkins, 25 dips and 20 crunchy frogs
2nd – 2 laps, red man, lap with serpentine, 30 merkins, 25 dips and 20 crunchy frogs
3rd – lap (Indian run), Barnyard, lap with serpentine (serpentine first), 30 merkins, 25 dips and 20 crunchy frogs
Superman and Michael Phelps
COT: when someone (anyone- stranger, M, 2.0, coworker) does something that angers you, reflect on your assumptions about the other person’s intentions. While we often think they are trying to hurt us or have bad intentions, most often it has nothing to do with us; ask and listen if it is important, to try to understand their intent; for lesser stuff, don’t assume you know their intentions and try to just let it go. Peace out. ✌️