The DEMON called and 7 PAX rolled in to take it on – hook, line, and sinker.  Ultimately, the PAX’s balls were too heavy and effectively bowled the Demon down.


PAX:  McKenzie, Bard, Slappy, Captain, Sasquatch, Patagonia, and Clark (Q)


Warm-up:  SSH x17 (IC), IW x17 (IC), arm circles



The Perfect Turkey (PAX pairs up on sideline of field – 1 PAX holds exercise while other PAX goes to other side, does exercise, and returns.  They switch places and repeato through 3 cycles for each exercise.)

Frame 1 – Lazyboy / Dips x10 – sprint/backpedal

Frame 2 – Al Gore / Derkins x10 – karaoke/karaoke

Frame 3 – Plank / Step-ups x10 each leg – skip/skip

Frame 4 – Jerkies / Burpees x10 – sprint/backpedal

Frame 5 – Dancing Bear / V-ups x10 – karaoke/karaoke


Bear Crawl to circle, Hurricane x60 count, Guantanamo w/ repeato, Plank Crunches x17 (IC), Banana Hammocks x12 (IC) each side, Superman, Phelps
COT:  Prayers for Hurricane victims, hope and support to McKenzie in upcoming surgery (PA offered as last meal – kidding), help us be better fathers/husbands/men in community.


Captain has the Q for next Demon.